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Old Jul 31, 2010, 04:09 AM // 04:09   #21
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Originally Posted by Cuilan View Post
I don't 15 or 20 minutes of a day is that huge of a thing. You know...answer questions, say hi, or discuss quests/lore.
^ Exactly. Why doesn't that happen? The community is what you make it. Our GW2 community is exactly what I remember our GW1 community was when it first started.

The lack of updates, hiding issues and bugs, keeping quiet when we needed help understanding....these are the reasons a community turns on you. They could have controlled it and cultured it, but they chose not to.
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Old Jul 31, 2010, 04:44 AM // 04:44   #22
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I'll be playing GW2 whether or not the community relations will be the same as gw1 or not simply because I couldn't care less.
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Old Jul 31, 2010, 05:33 AM // 05:33   #23
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Originally Posted by Bob Slydell View Post
I'll be playing GW2 whether or not the community relations will be the same as gw1 or not simply because I couldn't care less.
Solo ftw 1234
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Old Jul 31, 2010, 06:37 AM // 06:37   #24
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No, it's on life support.

Some would say the same is true of the game in general.
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Old Jul 31, 2010, 06:40 AM // 06:40   #25
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I Think the community is much alive, think about it, all the newer MMO's have failed some what and gone total greed on how much money they want to make.

Example, Lord of the rings online, Everquest II, DDO, and rumors have it WOW have all gone free. Now my question is, GW1 still too date has survived it all. So why have GW1 made it thus so far ?
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Old Jul 31, 2010, 06:44 AM // 06:44   #26
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Got some steam to blow off here. I'll number these to make it easier for the trolls, because I'm just that kind of magnanimous.
1. Providing shoddy costumer support to GW is the worst way to encourage GW2 sales.
2. To stick with Karate Jesus' terminology, customer relations quantity was higher in the old Gaile Gray days, but the quality was probably lower. She was a snide, condescending woman who took on the air of Queen GW. To me, listening to her was like talking to a pre-school teacher who forgot to leave her work voice at work, never realizing that she is only a genius compared to toddlers. Has everyone forgotten the peak of pretention when she threatened to take the customer service ball and go home, because -get this- paying customers tend to gripe when they're unhappy. WTF do you expect when you take a job in customer service? Unless you work for the mob, you should never expect your customers to lick your ass, you should be full on prepared for a hassle or you should not take the job.
3. B2P is not an excuse for poor service, if anything it provides a more stable financial base. Yes your high end is lower, but your low end is locked in. Cash up front is worth a bit more than cash in installments, why do you think state lotteries pay off the full amount in structured payments and offer a percentage of the value in a lump sum.
4. Yes there has been some new content, but there have also been the usual headaches attached to that content: lags, more updates, d/c's etc... Also, that new content is not purely an altruistic gift. That new content is expected to serve as in-game advertising for GW2 and also sell a bunch of costumes for RL bucks while hopefully drawing you into their store where you can buy a bunch of overpriced stuff that should quite likely be free. $15 to change a toon name, wtf?
Ok trolls, it's your turn.
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Old Jul 31, 2010, 08:20 AM // 08:20   #27
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LoL for you GW haters go play WoW, that way the people that like GW can enjoy it without the GW haters and complainers. Go play WoW, all I have to say.
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Old Jul 31, 2010, 08:59 AM // 08:59   #28
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A-net seems to not care about this matter. I mean cmon in all honesty they haven't tried much themself they just sended some people to a fan forum wich grow and let others do the work on this matter. They didn't even try much like a forum on there offical site or anything. Also there isn't any activity for players that bought they game and don't know these online forums. The ingame announcements suck are wrong or are being forgotten etc. Anet simply don't give a damn they just pointed out a few people here's a job go post some crap and were done with it.
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Old Jul 31, 2010, 09:09 AM // 09:09   #29
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Ok i have a few questions here - and one does border on guru .
1. Do anets staff get Holidays or more to the point are you going to allow them Holidays ?
2. I dont know if its just me but is the community on guru sort of on 1 big holiday themselves ?

Reason i ask no2 is that ive noticed in the last 6 months that the amount of guru posts in most areas has dwindled and i dont mean the usual posts of every few weeks of "where do i farm event items and the such.
Farming section seems to be having a drought - even with the nerfs/buffs/wik in last 6 months activity has slowed.
Its been said theres an influx of new players which should sort of get new members on guru who are asking questions - where are they ?.
Also i wonder whats happened to PVX wiki as even the amount of new builds seems to be dwindling as well even tho people are making new builds ( yes i know builds were often posted on guru and pvx which was good ? ).

Is it a case of players have asked all there can be asked for now to do with gw ?
Is it a case of players not being bothered to share info/help ?
Are anet staff having their hols or even off due to sickness - these can only be answered by anet who dont have to inform us of these.

Maybe if the community suddenly woke up and got back into the routine of sharing builds, asking for help on quests and stuff the anet staff may feel its time to get back to showing us via posts on guru and updating wiki.

Sorry if this seems to be a bit of a rant but its been bugging me for a while now and maybe a few others have seem the same but been too afraid to say anything incase of backlash.
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Old Jul 31, 2010, 09:58 AM // 09:58   #30
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Where did this whole whine come from? If you look at Dev Tracker, all three CMs have made posts this month in this guru. Which means they are still reading and following threads here. What exactly are you looking for from them? They don't initiate threads unless there is an announcement of some type and 98% of their posts are to clear up misunderstandings or to clarify things. Not much need for that on this guru anymore until something new happens.
That's me, the old stick-in-the-mud non-fun moderator.
(and non-understanding, also)

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Old Jul 31, 2010, 11:17 AM // 11:17   #31
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Originally Posted by Bob Slydell View Post
I'll be playing GW2 whether or not the community relations will be the same as gw1 or not simply because I couldn't care less.

Until gw2 comes out, they can communicate with me through often game (skill) updates. They don't have to say a thing nor give explanations for game updates. Just let things change. I don't even care about balance. Like first Primal rage update. Then 2 updates/fixes after. After 5 years i think it's safe to let the whole community be test krewe. I don't bother to log in game anymore unless there is new content or skill update.

Last edited by Hells Fury; Jul 31, 2010 at 11:20 AM // 11:20..
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Old Jul 31, 2010, 11:39 AM // 11:39   #32
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Originally Posted by Karate Jesus View Post
It wont be. New games have great support (like GW1 had in the beginning) and as they age, time begins to test the fortitude of the developers' collective passion. In our case, that fortitude seems to be running thin.

Probably true, but why? So many games get great support for years. Why would GW get slack after only half a decade? Do you think Anet pushed it for GW2 or did we do it to ourselves through our asshatery?
Would you want more support for GW1 if it delayed GW2 by another year or two ?
Asshatery ! hey I learned a new word lol probably that's a part of it kinda hard keeping the faith each day at work if your mostly critisized for what you do.

I can think of many games that get great support for years but the ones I know of get that support from the players.

I played the Raindow six series and the original Ghost recon they were modable by the players so new maps weapons and skins came out in the hundreds if not thousands.
Because of that more copies were sold for year after year providing revenue and some support from the designers.

Some games are designed by one company for another they do it to a budget and when the budget runs out there is no further development or bug fixing.
I don't know of any game like this one that the players cannot mod themselves that still gets much support after 5 years.

Last edited by gremlin; Jul 31, 2010 at 11:49 AM // 11:49..
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Old Jul 31, 2010, 12:21 PM // 12:21   #33
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Originally Posted by gremlin View Post

I don't know of any game like this one that the players cannot mod themselves that still gets much support after 5 years.
Reminded me on a moment when they went step back. Dare to use textmod to enhance you game experience?

Last edited by Hells Fury; Jul 31, 2010 at 12:23 PM // 12:23..
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Old Jul 31, 2010, 12:32 PM // 12:32   #34
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They've never been alive...
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Old Jul 31, 2010, 12:33 PM // 12:33   #35
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Originally Posted by To Chicken To Die View Post
A-net seems to not care about this matter. I mean cmon in all honesty they haven't tried much themself they just sended some people to a fan forum wich grow and let others do the work on this matter. They didn't even try much like a forum on there offical site or anything. Also there isn't any activity for players that bought they game and don't know these online forums. The ingame announcements suck are wrong or are being forgotten etc. Anet simply don't give a damn they just pointed out a few people here's a job go post some crap and were done with it.
Well, a fan forum was perfect for Anet when it started. A fan forum that Anet didn't have to run and pay for was probably a huge help with GW1 first started. It worked out pretty well. Most people who like talking on their favorite game's forum will seek it out if there isn't an official one. Plus this fan one usually takes out the rift raft (usually).
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Old Jul 31, 2010, 12:49 PM // 12:49   #36
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As usual people expect too much, there hasn't really been much need for a CR in a while since there won't be any new expansions to GW.

Originally Posted by lemming View Post
It wasn't much better before she left.
You really are just a ray of sunshine aren't you

Originally Posted by tha walkin dude View Post
Ok trolls, it's your turn.
Nice irony there.

Last edited by majoho; Jul 31, 2010 at 12:54 PM // 12:54..
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Old Jul 31, 2010, 01:31 PM // 13:31   #37
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i wouldn't say Anet have abandoned GW that much, they don't really post on here, they use the wiki and their own site ( and really the majority of teh community resides on GW2guru anyway, so news spreads better there than here.
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Old Jul 31, 2010, 02:50 PM // 14:50   #38
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They should be flattered people still care enough about their game to complain about the lack of community relations. I've never seen staff in game over all these years and I've never found their forum posts particularly useful or insightful. One liners with emoticons or quips in response to someones flaming/trolling don't really accomplish anything productive.
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Old Jul 31, 2010, 03:03 PM // 15:03   #39
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This is a big "who cares" to me.
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Old Jul 31, 2010, 03:15 PM // 15:15   #40
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People seem to forget that there isn't much to say about GW1 anyway. We already know what the live team is working on to the extent that they are willing to unveil it, IE, more WiK and GW Beyond content, but releases will be kept secret and avoid more spoilers, paragon and dervish are worked on for a rehaul and we just got some new PvP fine tuning.

The problem is, people just want more NOW. And they won't accept that Anet won't give away more. They won't tell us when exactly next Beyond installment will come out since A) it'd spoil and B) work progress is unpredictable, they won't tell us about all the ideas they have about going for the paragon and dervish since they are toying with dozens of concepts that need to be made more precise and tested, never mind that the bloody public would make mountains over molehills over it.

Compare this to GW2, which A) has much to unveil and B) is now in the stage where the public is being slowly teased - just long enough to keep us interested and not forget about it, just fast enough not to run out of material to unveil. And, it's going to pay off more.

Really, I'm stunned by how little understanding people have on these boards...
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